Thursday, June 9, 2011

First Time Blogger

Hi!! Thanks for visiting my blog...I realize I don't have a lot on it, this is my first day, and my first time blogging, but I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Bethany Cottle, and I'm currently serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the Santa Rosa California Mission. I love it! I've met amazing people, who have changed my life. I've experienced so many amazing things, and my testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ has grown so much. I'm so grateful for all the opportunities that my Heavenly Father gives me each and everyday. I am excited to be able to blog about my experiences and to be able to share them with others, hopefully I can figure this blogging stuff out!


  1. You will not only figure it out, you will be great at it!!! Can't wait to read your thoughts and impressions!

  2. Sister Cottle you are amazing! So excited to learn from you and your experiences!

  3. I served in the CSRM too! Came home 6 yrs ago this summer. Good luck with the blogging, you'll do great!

  4. Sister Cottle great things are about to happen as a result of your work and your blog!

  5. Great first post! I also like your blog title. ;)

  6. Welcome to the blogging world! I think it's an awesome opportunity to share you thoughts and testimony in a blog while on your mission. I am excited to read all that you have to say! You are an incredible missionary and I know that you will inspire many through your words.

  7. You are going to rock at this! Your a natural!
